Frequently Asked Questions

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapists (PTs) are movement experts who optimize quality of life through prescribed exercise, hands-on care, and patient education. Some countries call our discipline physiotherapy.

Physical therapists teach patients how to prevent or manage their condition so that they will achieve long-term health benefits. PTs examine each individual and develop a plan, using treatment techniques to promote the ability to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. In addition, PTs work with individuals to prevent the loss of mobility before it occurs by developing fitness- and wellness-oriented programs for healthier and more active lifestyles.


How happens in a physical therapy evaluation?

Physical Therapy evaluations are comprehensive and include:

  • -taking a thorough medical history
  • -taking a history of the current condition
  • -discussing treatments provided to date
  • -screening for “red flag” signs that would warrant referral or immediate medical attention
  • -discussion of functional limitations and goals/expectations for physical therapy
  • -postural screening
  • -objective measurements including joining range of motion, strength, walking analysis, neurological testing, balance testing, -special tests as indicated
  • -analysis and discussion of findings
  • -determine appropriate treatment plan or plan for referral

    Do I need a prescription for physical therapy?

    I am licensed in the state of New Jersey, which is currently a direct access state with limitations. Patients are allowed to see a physical therapist without a prescription and receive treatment, as long as the guidelines for the state are followed. The two main reasons to not treat are if the evaluation produces findings that require immediate referral, or if the patient has failed to demonstrate reasonable progress within 30 days.

    This is the full current guidelines for New Jersey:

    “A physical therapist shall refer a patient to a health care professional licensed to practice dentistry podiatry or medicine and surgery in this State or other appropriate licensed health care professional:
    When the physical therapist doing the examination evaluation or intervention has reason to believe that physical therapy is contraindicated, or symptoms or conditions are present that require services outside the scope of practice of the physical therapist; or

    When the patient has failed to demonstrate reasonable progress within 30 days of the date of the initial treatment.

    Not more than 30 days from the date of initial treatment of functional limitation or pain, a physical therapist shall inform the patient’s licensed health care professional of record regarding the patient’s plan of care. In the event there is no identified licensed health care professional of record, the physical therapist shall recommend that the patient consult with a licensed health care professional of the patient’s choice.”

    Source: APTA Direct Access by State

    What is telehealth physical therapy?

    Telehealth physical therapy is the delivery of physical therapy services through an online medium. In our delivery of telehealth care, we use face to face online platforms for direct consultation, and also communications via email at different points in the plan of care. Telehealth sessions can include evaluations, patient education, and guided exercises interventions.

    Telehealth is a rapidly growing avenue for care that was accelerated by the Covid-19 crisis. There are definitely cases that can be effectively managed remotely. In a telehealth evaluation, the therapist will make a determination of whether the case can be effectively handled purely through remote means. A plan will be determined on a case by case basis and it will be recommended if in-person therapy or referral to another discipline is warranted.

    Does my insurance cover this?

    Cafe Physio is currently not working with insurance plans. We accept payment via credit card on the date of service. However, a superbill can be furnished by request if a patient has out of network benefits and would like to submit a claim themselves for reimbursement.